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Onion Oil

Onion oil is rich in sulfur which prevents breakage, split ends and thinning of hair. Other nutrients present in onion prevents oxidation of hair. It also maintains the regular pH of the hair, preventing premature greying

(Onion Oil ) %98, Safflower Seed Oil

It is good for shortness of breath, asthma and upper respiratory tract diseases. It prevents the formation of bacteria in the body. It is good for diseases such as flu, cough and flu. It contains a lot of vitamins A, B and C in its content. It has a blood-purifying effect. It is good against impotence by increasing sexual functions. It has a diuretic effect. It is good against vascular congestion. It can be used against skin problems. Prevents the formation of acne.

It can be consumed by adding 2-3 drops into 1 teaspoon of warm water.

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